Marko Zečević was born in Zagreb 1972. After finishing primary school, he entered Chemical-Technical high school, geological department in Zagreb. He started the Joint Study of Geology at the Faculty of Minig Geology and Petroleum Engineering and the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb in 1991. During part of his study (6 semestres) he helped in performing exercises for lectures in palaeontology, being a demonstrator at the Faculty of science. He finished study with excellent success in 1997. His diploma thesis was "Late Badenian fossils and palaeoenvironments in the vicinity of Podsused>. After finishing the obligatory military service 1999 he gets a job in Military Forces of the Republic of Croatia, and, later the Ministry of Defense, now at the position of senior professional advisor in Management for material resources. He is finishing doctoral study in geology of petroleum and gas at the Faculty of Minig Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb. University senat accepted the topic of doctoral thesis entitled "Petroleum-geological importance, paleoecology and biostratigraphy of Badenian deposits at northern slope of the Krndija Mt." under the mentorship of professors Josipa Velić from the Faculty of Minig Geology and Petroleum Engineering and Jasenka Sremac rom the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb sa Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Marko Zečević is a member of the Croatian Natural Sciences Society and Croatian Geological Society. As a member of the Croatian Natural Sciences Society he held in 1997 a 102. colloquium of young researches with |