Karmen FIO, an assistant. Born on February 1st, 1980, in Zagreb. She got her diploma in geology in 2005., with the work on: " Stratigraphy and facies changes in the Upper Cretaceous sediments of the western part of the Žumberak Mt." (Mentor: B. Cvetko Tešović). In the Department for Geology and Paleontology she works as an assistant since 2006., where she works with students on Sistematic paleontology and Paleobotany exercises. As a PhD Student she participates in a Project under Croatian Ministry of Education and Sport with the guidance of prof.dr. Jasenka Sremac, and on the International SCOPES Project: "Permian-Triassic mass extinction in an ancestor of the Adriatic Carbonate Platform, Croatia", with the guidance of  dr. Jorge Spangenberg. Since 2005 in couple of occasions she has spent some time at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, where she works on stable isotope and geochemical analyses, and where she took courses on Stable isotopes and Biomarkers. She is working on the Permian-Triassic Boundary in the area of the Dinarides, which is going to be the subject of her future PhD thesis.