Professor Jasenka SREMAC was born in Zagreb, 13th May 1956. She graduated geology in 1979. Her master's thesis was entitled "Middle Permian Brachiopods Velebit" and defended in 1985. J. Sremac prepared a dissertation under the title "Microfossil communities in the Middle Permian Velebit" and defended it in 1988 at the Faculty of Science in Zagreb. Mentors of J. Sremac were Professor Vanda Kochansky-Devidé (University of Zagreb) and Professor Anton Ramovš (University of Ljubljana).
J. Sremac has been employed by the Institute of Geology and Paleontology since 1979, first as an assistant (1979-1989), then assistant professor (1989- 1998), associate professor (1998-2017) and full professor (2017-). She was deputy head of the Department of Geology (1991-1992, 1997-1998) and the head of the Department (1998-2001, 2016-2017). From 2007 to 2009 J. Sremac was the head of the Institute of Geology and Paleontology.
The main field of interest of J. Sremac is paleoenvironment. She is the author and co-author of numerous scientific and professional papers and abstracts, dominantly dealing with paleoecology and stratigraphy of Paleozoic rocks from the Velebit Mt and Miocene rocks from Northern Croatia.
In the period from 1995 till 2013 J. Sremac was the leader of three scientific projects of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, including the project - "Evidence of biotic and abiotic changes in paleoenvironment" (2007-2013). She also participated in international projects, such as the UNESCO IGCP Project 5: "Correlation of Prevariscan and Variscan Events in the Alpine Mediterranean Mountain Belt" (1979-1990) where she was the coordinator for Croatia, the Swiss National Fund project " Permian-Triassic mass extinction in an ancestor of the Adriatic Carbonate Platform, Croatia "(2005-2008), and the IGCP 575 project "Pennsylvanian terrestrial habitats and biotas of south-eastern Euramerica " (2010-2015). She has participated in numerous national and international conferences, and has organized two international scientific meetings and three expert field meetings, for which she prepared field guides.
During her teaching career J. Sremac teached or still teaches a number of courses for undergraduate and graduate students of Geology and Biology, Faculty of Science (General paleontology, Paleobotany, Geology of Croatia, Principles of Paleontology, Palaeoecology, Applied Palaeontology), Paleontology for students of Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering and Geomorphology with the basics of geology for students of the the Faculty of Agriculture. She also teaches two courses in the Doctoral study of geology (Research methods in palaeontology and Fossil communities of Late Paleozoic in biostratigraphy and paleoecology). For teaching purposes has created two scripts. She was a mentor of numerous graduate students and B.Sc. students, five master's theses and seven doctoral dissertations. Three dissertations are recently in preparation.
In 1993 was a guest lecturer at COMETT-EUCOR Micropalaeontological Course in Basel. She is active in popularization of geology, and held a series of lectures on geology and paleontology for elementary and secondary schools, and students from other faculties.
J. Sremac is a member of the Croatian Geological Society, two times elected a vice president, and, during 2012-2013 she was a president of the Society. She is also a member of the Croatian Cartographic Society and Open University Geological Society. From 1991 till 2007 she was a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Geologia Croatica and was an associate editor for issues 65/3 (2012) and 69/3 (2016).
Back in 1986 J. Sremac won the prize of the youth organization for scientific research.